About Me

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Ann

I used to be a strategic urban planner and a project manager, but now web-developer to-be .

Woo-hoo! So excited! 😎😎😎

Learning how powerful a good website could be in way of communication, I knew that I have to take action!

So yeah, I am now a full time learner on web-development.

Web Design

Strategic Planning

Project Management

What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Urban Planning

I am a certificated urban planner in Taiwan.

Strategic Planning

Problem solving and vision plotting.

Project Management

Achieve goals by way of logic.

And the skill under development...

🛠 Web Design 🚧

I am woring on to make it one of my EXPERTISE soon.

Web-design skills developing

To build the skill set of web desing, I am learning now...

There will be more to be added on...








What I have done so far on web development.

A Blog Page

My FIRST page ever! Create a page with pure CSS.

Source Code CLICK ME to Have a look!

A Google Form Page

Imiatation learning. Using pure CSS and vanilla JS to create a google form page.

Source Code CLICK ME to Have a look!

Basic Calculator

JavaScript practice exercise. Using vanilla JS to build a calculator, which can do basic operations such as +, -, *, and /.

Source Code CLICK ME to Have a look!

Twitter API Connection.

Ajax practice. Using Ajax and Twitter API to get top 20 live broadcasts of LOL on Twitter.

Source Code CLICK ME to Have a look!


The Past

Full Time Learner on Web-Development 2018 - NOW

Participated in an on-line education program of web-development from September, 2018.

Expect to be a full time web developer in 2019!

Project Manager / GEOSAT Aerospace & Technology Inc.

  • Outlined measurement strategy to the new business, UAV/drone aerial inspection on solar panels and bridges.
  • Worked and collaborated with internal cross-functional teams, including R&D, marketing, and legal affairs.
  • Led the team to plan and execute drone inspection mission, tasks including site analysis, requirement analysis, optimizing the performance of drone inspection, customer relationship management.

Urban Planner / Metropolitan Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd.

  • Responsible for site visits, consultant meetings, presentations, workshops, policy and case analysis, and various planning project.
  • Served as an account executive, pro-active communicated with clients, stakeholders and subcontractors by telephone, by e-mail, and in person to give consultancy of policy implementation.
  • Verified that the reports had adapted up-to-date data, charts, graphics, and pictures.
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